I'm in love ^_^

haa seriously i'm in love? whoaa kikiki
ape ingat aku senang2 je nak jatuh cinta? kuikuikui..
ni haa citer ni...

Friday, I'm in love <----------- AWESOME dokk hahaha
and 'dokk' tu salah satu trademark dalam citer ni.. *tweet, citer ape ni?
and 'tweet' ni pun one of this movie's trademark weewee!
okay, maybe aku agak ketinggalan, adelah dalam lebih kurang seminggu, so aku tengok citer ni by blog..
haaa seriously aku terus terus terus 'ohh i'm feel in love' wahh serious dokk!
citer ni pasal enam orang sahabat ni yang sangat together-gather..
and one of them, Awang who was falling in love but at the same time he has to face many obstacles..
the first girl that he was falling in love named Amy and that happen on friday night..
haa because of that lah kot tajuk citer ni 'Friday, I'm in love' hehe
but he was so unlucky because that girl has married..wuuu kesian! dan.... 
nak tau tk ape jadi lepas tu? kene lah tengok sendiri ;p
btw, selalu kan 'BFF' stand for bestfriendforever..but in this movie, dorang gelar relationship
dorang 'FFL' which stand for friendforlife..hahaha terbaikkk ^_^
setakat ni citer ni baru dua episod, so sesiapa yg baru nak ikuti tu boleh pegi kat SINI ..
then korang search lah name citer ni.. trust me, cool dokk! hahaha
ni aku updated terus ni lepas tengok citer ni..wahh nampak tk teruje nye?
 *kenyit mate kiri kanan*